Giraffe background

Monday, August 29, 2011

What a weekend...

I'm pretty sure weekends aren't long enough. This last weekend was pretty much non-stop. The relaxing weekend I wanted/needed did not happen!

Friday, I stopped by Dianne and Tom's after school so that Aunt Evelyn could see T. Abby brought the baby over so we visited a little bit. Then I headed off to Amber's Pampered Chef party(yikes that stuff isn't cheap!). I stayed there for a little bit before I rushed home only to leave again. We went to the first home football game. I failed to take my camera or take a picture with my phone. Sigh.

Football games bring me to my next point. Finding a toddler spirit shirt for Waller is a little challenging around here...especially for a boy! So I decided I would see about making one(some if it worked out for me). So T and I made a trip to Hobby Lobby Saturday morning to buy stuff. An hour and a half later and almost $100 poorer, we walked out with stuff to make shirts...some for me, some for him. I got some fall decor, a birthday present, and a scrapbook punch too. Whoops...Hobby Lobby, you are the devil!!
Here is a shirt I made, complete with his name on the back.

We get home, ate lunch, and then went to a friends birthday party. T had a 20 min nap and was done. Joy.
They had pony...errr...donkey rides, paint the pony(cute idea), ice cream bar, and cotton candy.
Here is T riding Squirt!

After this, he decided to forgo every other party endeavor and play by himself. After sitting in 100+* heat, I was soon ready to go home to tackle my "to-do" list that was a mile long. We got home and I enlisted Tommy to help me clean...that was pretty much the rest of our day! :-(

Sunday we went to church in the morning. While T was napping, I worked on his shirt. Tommy decided to take T swimming so that I could work on school stuff.

After I got through, I went up to Tom and Dianne's. Evelyn and Grandmother wanted to see T's "to infinity and beyond" trick which is usually done without floaties. I couldn't get the video to load...Tanner screams "to infinity and beyond" and Tommy throws T in the air and he crashes into the water. Yes, I know, it's really safe! ;-)

We ended the weekend eating pizza and visiting with family.

It was a good weekend but busy!! Hopefully, next weekend will be restful!!

PS: why did I just type this whole thing with my phone??


Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Summer came and went

It's been a pretty good summer other than the extreme drought and heat! I've enjoyed being able to spend time with little man this summer. He is a mess!!! Here are a few pictures of him from this summer.

We've been working on potty training. Unfortunately, we have a very stubborn child on our hands.

Haha...big boy underwear, "John boots", and a bucket makes the perfect outfit don't you think??

A daily occurrence that was just about all this OCD momma could handle!!

According to my mom, I was quite the climber when I was young. Apparently, Tanner inherited the ability to climb like a monkey!!


Sunday, August 7, 2011

Let's see if this works!

So as usual its been a while!! I just downloaded a new app to my new phone. New app = blogpress : new phone = iPhone 4(finally)!! Maybe this will make it easier for me to actually keep up with my poor neglected blog!

It seems summer has gotten away from me and 2 things on my to-do lost have gone untouched...T's scrapbook and this blog!! where did the summer go?? I start back to work officially on August 15th! Boo!!!

Yesterday, Tommy and I made a trip to Ikea and found a secretary/hutch that we liked. Let me back up by saying our primary reason for going in there was to get magazine files for $1.99!!! We went ahead and bought it...which I am glad that we did b/c it has a ton of storage!!

Bad picture but isn't it cute?
