Giraffe background

Sunday, February 28, 2010


Tanner LOVES it outside! We took a few pictures yesterday because we finally got to play outside! It has been so nasty outside lately and the wind blows like crazy out here! We started off with no hat, but soon put one on to block the wind from his ears. I usually have a hard time keeping anything over his head...he was a good sport the yesterday! Yes, he has dirt on his face in this first picture because finds it necessary to put everything in his mouth...including rocks. :)

Recently, I have been following the journey of a little baby girl named Layla Grace who is losing her battle with cancer. I cry everytime I read the blog ( and my heart breaks for her and her family. I warn you....don't read it unless you want to bawl your eyes out. I can't imagine what they are going through as they prepare to say goodbye to their precious baby girl. My mind drifts to her little face constantly throughout the day. I pray for comfort for the family and sweet baby Layla.
One post in particular really struck me. Her mom writes about how if she had to do it all over again she would never want quite. She wants interruptions and Layla under her feet. It really made me think of how many times I have said, "I can't get anything done...he constantly is under me and wants me to pick him up." Just reading her post I feel guilty that I do have the baby under my feet. I am truly greatful to God for our health and have been reminded many times lately just how precious life is. Love to each of you reading this...may you love a little more each day!

Time flys...

Where does the time go? We are getting ready for Tanner's 1st birthday party coming up in a few weekends! Some of our friends are due in a few weeks. This time last year we were in their shoes anticipating Tanner's arrival!

He is growing up so fast and constantly has us laughing. I can only imagine when the little toot can really talk. He is running around and getting into EVERYTHING!! When I say everything, I mean everything!

  • He LOVES music...he is so funny...he dances and bobs his head. Sometimes it sounds like he is trying to sing. It is so precious!

  • He can say a few things...of course, he has been saying "mama" and "dada" for a while now. He can say "ba" for ball, "du" for duck, "uh-oh", and one of my favorite things is when he says "mmmmm" for the cow. He cute!

  • He has learned that a RED button means you can turn something on and off. We have a little hand held back massager that he likes to turn on and off. It ends up becoming a game.

  • Everything is "No" right now, complete with a head shake. Anytime you ask him a question, he answers "no". And when he isn't supposed to be getting into things...he says "no-no" as he touches it. Little stinker....

  • He knows the sign language for "thank you." He did it the other day when I gave him some puffs (he is addicted to the sweet potato ones). My heart just about melted!

We are truely enjoying this stage and watching his little mind work. I just can't believe that his first birthday is right around the corner!

I wanted to take some pictures to send in his birthday invitations. Here are a few that I took.

This picture looks freakishly like a baby picture of my daddy. He definantly has some Hargrove genes!

My absolute favorite. He will hardly ever keep a hat on his head. Tommy put it on him and he kept it on for a while. I couldnt get him to smile at me but I just adore this picture! My little boy is growing up!