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Thursday, April 28, 2011

Easter Weekend

We were able to make the trek to East Texas for Easter.  We left when I got out of school on Thursday.  After a quick stop in Crockett and dinner at Hershel's in Henderson, we made it to my mom and dad's about 8.  Mimi, Grumpy, and Carter welcomed us home.  Tanner and Carter LOVE seeing each other.  The didn't go to bed until about 10:45 that night.

Friday, we had Carter because Kim and Brandon both had to work.  We hung out at Mom and Dad's house for most of the day.  Mom and I made a quick trip to Longview to The Children's Place and Target while the boys napped. That evening, we took Carter home and met their new puppy, Zebbie. Brandon cooked hamburgers and then we went to the pasture behind K&B's house.  It was covered in Indian Paintbrushes but sadly, they were starting to dry up.  We should have known better because both boys were G.R.O.U.C.H.Y!!  I got a few good ones.
Saturday, we went to see my best friend from HS, Kristin, and her family out at her in-law's lake house on Lake Bob Sandlin. As always, it was great seeing them and being able to hang out for a little bit.  We didn't get to stay too long but had a great time while we were there.  Tanner, of course, spent most of his time on the tractor or playing on the swings.  Kris and I got to catch up while she made her cute cupcakes with the help of her two oldest, Allie and Peyton.  We left before it was time for T to take a nap and so that we could make it back to mom and dad's for the afternoon.  That evening K, B, and C came out and we ate dinner at mom and dad's. After they left, we watched "The King's Speech."

Sunday, we went to church at Mobberly in Longview.  I went to church there regularly with Kristin when we were in HS.  Tanner got to go in the room that Kim was teaching so it made it a little bit easier to leave him.  Church was great...I love their their being there.  After church, we went back to mom and dad's for lunch and egg hunt. We took a few pictures when we got home but neither boy wanted to cooperate.  I remember having the same exact behavior last year on Easter Sunday!  So family picture!  Mom fixed ham, potato salad, green beans, rolls, and "pink stuff" for lunch!  It was of my favorite meals!

Strangely, I didn't get many pictures of the boys hunting eggs.  It seriously seemed like it lasted a few seconds.  T was only interested in the eggs if he heard something in them when they shook.  If he didn't hear anything, he threw them back on the ground. Soon after we got done, we packed up and headed home.  It was a great weekend and very busy as usual. 

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