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Monday, June 28, 2010

Gettin' things done!

I have promised myself that I will NEVER again let my "To-Do" list get as long as it is. I always think of things to do and then put them off "until the summer." Well, summer is now here and I have a ton of things that I want to tackle. Having Tanner running around doesn't make my tasks any easier so I am slowly getting stuff done!

Our house was remodeled (mostly) before we moved in but I was not around to make any of the decisions. Probably a smart move on Tommy's behalf! I am the most indecisive person alive! But there are a few things that still need to be done!

A few things on my to-do list:

*organize the garage--check!

*redo flowerbeds--half way check! One more bed to go!

* get new tile laid in the kitchen, bathrooms, laundry room, and mudroom...( the people that did the remodeling screwed up the floors BAD! They were supposed to be stained concrete but they obviously didn't know what they were doing!) The tile guy is coming to measure tonight and hopefully will be laying tile within the next week!

*new windows! I am biting the bullet and getting we are getting new windows put it. It is going to cost a pretty penny but it will be worth it! Right now, our windows are 60 year old single pane windows that might as well be paper! Let's just say electric bill is outrageous for our little house!

*paint the front door....looking at RED!!

* fix the wall in the laundry room from where our water heater busted a pipe....LONG TIME AGO!!! I will post pictures when it is done...let's just say it's going to be CUTE! Nothing like anything else in my house!

*redo decor in bedroom....yeah, well I think that is going to have to wait for now... :-(

* work on T's scrapbook and get caught up!

Geez, I could keep going on that list but these are a few of the things that are keeping me busy this summer! I am so ready to have it all done! Tommy is going to be ready for me to go back to work so that I will quit spending money! In my defense, I am not a shopper and do NOT spend money usually! However, I once heard that a woman's house is an extension of her and it is so true. I knew there was a reason that I was so crazy if my house was a mess! I guess that explains a house is always a mess!

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